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Example usage🔗

Let's say you want to write some python code.

The simplest structure would be something like this:


First get familiar with rules_python. You should uses these rules to configure your Python project to work with Bazel. I recommend that you first set everything up so that it works with your local Python. After that works you can move to using rules_conda for creating environments automatically.

To use rules_conda you need to add that to your WORKSPACE file and put appropriate values taken from chosen release:

load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")

    name = "rules_conda",
    sha256 = "...",  # copy from release
    url = "...",  # copy from release

load("@rules_conda//:defs.bzl", "conda_create", "load_conda", "register_toolchain")

load_conda(quiet = False)

    name = "env",
    environment = "@//:environment.yml",
    quiet = False,

register_toolchain(env = "env")

This will download conda, create your environment and register it so that all Python targets can use it by default.

Now if you configured everything correctly, you can run:

bazel run main

This will run inside the created environment.

If environment configuration doesn't change then subsequent runs will simply reuse the environment. Otherwise the environment will be recreated from scratch, so that it always reflects the configuration. However, if the clean flag is set to False (the default) in conda_create then the downloaded package data will be reused so you don't need to download everything everytime.

Also see here for a complete example with all the code available.

Advanced example🔗

This example shows all possibilities of rules_conda:

load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")

    name = "rules_conda",
    sha256 = "...",  # copy from release
    url = "...",  # copy from release

load("@rules_conda//:defs.bzl", "conda_create", "load_conda", "register_toolchain")

    conda_version = "4.10.3",  # version of conda to download, default is 4.10.3
    installer = "miniforge",  # which conda installer to download, either miniconda or miniforge, default is miniconda
    install_mamba = True,  # whether to install mamba, which is a faster drop-in replacement for conda, default is False
    mamba_version = "0.17.0",  # version of mamba to install, default is 0.17.0
    quiet = False,  # True if conda output should be hidden, default is True
    timeout = 600,  # how many seconds each execute action can take, default is 3600

    name = "env",  # name of the environment
    environment = "@//:environment.yml",  # label pointing to environment configuration file
    use_mamba = True,  # Whether to use mamba to create the conda environment. If this is True, install_mamba must also be True
    clean = False,  # True if conda cache should be cleaned (less space taken, but slower subsequent builds), default is False
    quiet = False,  # True if conda output should be hidden True, default is True
    timeout = 600,  # how many seconds each execute action can take, default is 3600

register_toolchain(env = "env")
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